ARTICLE I. Name and Headquarters
The name of this club shall be the "Whiskey Bay Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc." Its principle office shall be at the residence of its duly elected President.
ARTICLE II. Objectives
The members of this Club are joined together and are mutually pledged to the furtherance and promotion of the following:
- The highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads.
- The enjoyment and sharing of good will and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche and engaging in such social and other events as may be agreeable to the membership.
- The maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the Marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information.
- The establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships with the Porsche works, Porsche dealers and service sources to end that the Marque shall prosper and continue to enjoy its unique leadership and position in sports car history.
- The interchange of ideas and suggestions with other Porsche clubs throughout the world and in such cooperation as may be mutually desirable.
- The establishment of such mutually cooperative relationships as may be desirable with other sports car clubs.
- This club shall be politically non-partisan.
- This club is empowered to do all things and conduct all business, not for profit, necessary to carry out the general purposes set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation and in this Constitution.
- All obligations incurred by this club are incurred solely as corporate obligations. No personal liability whatsoever shall be attached to or incurred by any member or officer of this club by reason of any corporate obligation or liability.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
- Any Porsche owner or co-owner is eligible for membership as prescribed in the Bylaws.
- In accordance with the Bylaws, membership of any member may be revoked for conduct inconsistent with the objectives or policies of the Club, or prejudicial to the good order and repute of the Club.
- All members must be active members in good standing in the Porsche Club of America, Inc.
ARTICLE V. Officers and Elections
- The leadership of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The immediate Past President shall serve as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors.
- The members of the Board of Directors will hold office for one year, or until their successors for the following year are elected. No member will serve continuously for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
- Results of the election shall be announced at the Annual Meeting of the Club. Such Annual Meeting will be held each year at a time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors. Publication in the club newsletter of the time and place of the Annual Meeting at least 30 days prior to such meeting shall be deemed sufficient notice to the membership.
- In the event that any officer is unable to complete his term in office, the following succession will prevail: For President: Vice President will succeed. Any office, other than that of the President, which becomes vacant between elections, will be filled by Presidential appointment with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
- All meetings for the conduct of Club business shall be conducted with usual parliamentary procedure as specified in Roberts Rules of Order.
ARTICLE VI. Amendments
This Constitution may be amended as prescribed in the Bylaws.
ARTICLE I. Membership
- Active Members. Any person 18 years of age or older who owns, co-owns or leases a Porsche may became a member of the Porsche Club of America, Whiskey Bay Region, provided he is also a member in good standing of the Porsche Club of America, Inc., and also provided he makes an application for membership and is approved by the Membership Committee of the Region. Membership may include (if requested by the Active Member) as a Family-Active Member, one other person of the Active Member’s immediate family, also 18 years of age or older, restricted to wife, husband, brother, sister, daughter, son, mother or father whether otherwise qualified for Active Membership by ownership of a Porsche or not.
- Honorary Members. Any person who merits recognition for outstanding interest in or service to the Club, may be elected to Honorary Membership by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Such membership shall be limited to one year but may be renewed at the option of the Board of Directors.
- Lifetime Membership. Any person who is deemed to have performed extraordinary service to the Club may be honored by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Lifetime Memberships shall provide for a waiver of regional dues and shall accord such members the full benefits and privileges available to Active Members as long as the designated Lifetime Member shall maintain membership in good standing with the Porsche Club of America, Inc.
- Affiliate Membership. Any person 18 years of age or older, named by the Active Member at time of joining or at reinstatement of membership, in lieu of a Family-Active Member.
- Associate Membership. An Active Member who ceases to c co-own or lease a Porsche while in good standing, or any person employed by a Porsche-oriented business, interested in the Club and its objectives and having paid Club due and fees as required.
- Termination of Membership. A member may be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors for conduct detriment to the organization. An expelled member shall have the right to appeal to the membership of the Club at any regular meeting. The decision by a majority of the members assembled at this meeting will be final.
- Annual Regional Dues. Each Active Member of the Club shall pay such annual regional dues as may be recommended by the Board of Directors. Any change in dues amount must be approved by a majority of the membership assembled at a regular meeting. Notice of the proposed dues charged must be published in the club newsletter prior to the regular meeting at which the membership will vote on the change.
- Payment of Regional Dues. The annual regional dues are payable with submission of application for membership. Thereafter the dues become due and payable by each Active Member within 30 days from date of issue of dues notice.
ARTICLE III. Officers and Committees
- The management of Whiskey Bay Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc., shall be its President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These shall constitute the Board of Directors with the immediate Past President serving as an ex officio member.
- The duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be determined by the President according to parliamentary practices and with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
- The committees as are necessary for the performance of the Club's business shall be established by the President. The committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE IV. Accounts
- Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Whiskey Bay Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc., shall begin on the first day of January each year and shall terminate on the following 31st day of December.
- Books. The books of record shall be properly maintained to reflect financial receipts, disbursements, balances and assets of the Club.
- Audit. The books of the Club shall be audited annually by a committee appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, or by a CPA if the Board of Directors so requests.
ARTICLE V. Elections.
- Nominating Committee. The President, the Past President and one or more other Active Members appointed by the Board of Directors each year, shall constitute the Nominating Committee responsible for nominating a slate of officers and Board Members to serve the following year.
- The Nominating Committee shall be appointed no later than September 1st of each year.
- The Nominating Committee report shall be presented at the November monthly meeting of the membership.
- Additional Nominations. Additional nominations may be made by the membership from the floor in accordance with usual parliamentary procedure as specified by Roberts Rules of Order.
- Candidates. For the information of the membership, a summary of PCA activity, qualifications, and general information, preferably written by each candidate, and not exceeding 250 words, shall be published in the newsletter prior to the Annual Meeting.
- Ballot. An election ballot, in such form as provided for by a sample in the Bylaws, shall be mailed to each Active Member not later than 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting of the membership.
- Balloting. Signed ballots shall be returned by mail to an Election Chairman appointed by the Board of Directors who, along with two other Active Members appointed by the Board of Directors, shall function as a Ballot Committee to certify the validity of the ballots and report the election results to the membership at the Annual Meeting. Ballots must be in the hands of the Election Chairman at least two days prior to the Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE VI. Amendments.
- Constitution. Notice of proposed amendments to the Constitution must be presented in writing to the membership at least twenty days prior to a meeting for the purpose of voting on such amendments. The Constitution may be amended by a majority of those members assembled at a regular meeting.
- Bylaws. The Bylaws of the Club may be amended by a regular majority vote of the membership assembled at a regular meeting, after proper presentation as is required in a. above.